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Through sport, to your future!

USA Sport Scholarship

Register in 30 seconds. After registration, you can start the application for a U.S. sport scholarship right away!

Your online profile will become your academic and athletic resume. This gives you the ability to gather sport scholarship offers from U.S. universities.

Apply for a scholarship by contacting college coaches directly. You will find information and contact details of more than 2,000 universities in our database!

Who are we?


Since 2012, StudyNSport Kft. recruitment and consulting company has helped hundreds of young student-athletes in their pursuit of obtaining U.S. sports scholarships, building a network with more than 2,000 U.S. universities in the process. The total value of these successfully awarded grants exceeds $ 2.5 million

Our Athletes

1,000,070 international students
500,000 college athletes
500+ StudyNSport commitments
20+ different sports
1 chance. Become one of them!
Meet our Team


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Empower Your Talent & Explore USA

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